Saturday, December 27, 2008
Not by Sight, but by Faith
When times get tough, God's strength is my staff
when I'm confuse, I must look to Him for answers
Wait though the current, may and will get rough
trust that what is obvious, is not always the real stuff
Story is since Genesis , it has all been only, His craft
always knowing that without trails, there's no crown
Life is a journey of wilderness, but bares more sunshine
Jah has a reason for when it rains and for when it pours
when life is a breeze and when the wind brings a storm
With pressure that at times are destructive and uncalled
For a good treasure, one has to decide and dig down deep
having faith that what can't be seen, will soon come to be.
Life may prove crazy, but Jah some how, brings ease.
written by Tbone / atw JAH
on 06.10.2008
edited / Blueyes
Title by Mildred Ortiz
Friday, December 19, 2008
A True Meaning of Christmas
Began with the Christ who was long before,
the foundations of the earth, N the beginning of time.
at that manger a human, God Himself Formed,
His word from an angel, 2 a virgin, Jesus was born.
on a bed of straws N from His country scorned.
2 open His eyes in darkness N make it light.
that star from heaven is still bright N our guide.
which brought 2 Him kings, shepherds N the wise.
2 worship the Princes of Peace N Savior of mankind.
Some have forgotten the true meaning at times.
It's not about Santa, the Clause, it's we've become blind.
On a day 2 honor His birthday, we spend money N time
Teaching about a man in red, his sled N deer that can fly.
I'm sure Kris was a good man, but never the Christ
2 steal from GOD any glory or the spot light.
Wouldn't like it on your birthday, I'm sure-I'm right.
Believing the truth is, A True Meaning Of Christmas.
Written By Tbone / Olga R.
and the wisdom of JAH
On 12.18 - 12.21.2007
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
My two older Treasures
Now back to the real reason why you have come to visit me and that is to see my Tuesday Treasures .. so just scroll on down and see two of the loves of my life and if after that you want to read on and see why I carried on at the beginning of this post be my guest and then you can also help me pray for the soul of my beloved wife and blue eye queen who these days is a totally lost soul in need of our savior..

Joey, 5 yrs old:green belt han mudo

Marisol, 9 yrs old holding Payton 2 wks old
Monday, December 08, 2008
Familar Pain
19 Better to dwell in the wilderness,
Than with a contentious and angry woman
Proverbs 21:19
I have found that it is very hard to serve God if our spouse is not and wants not to be a believer and a follower of Christ.. My wife for what ever reason does not want to trust my God or me for her future but decided to put her trust in herself and my feelings counted for nothing.. thank God for His peace and for His strength or I have no idea how I would have survived this pain twice..
Beloved Pain
Atom bombs annihilated and destroyed two cities
Nuclear weapons wipe out countries and nations
Guns kill people, with more bullets, generations
Knifes and sharp edges pierces through flesh
Planes that miss landing bring nobody home
Trains collide and many souls and lives are lost
Cars crash, hit man, child and broken are bones
Ships in rough seas are swallowed with its crew
Volcano's erupt burning up small and large towns
Tsunami's rise and thousands come up missing
Hurricanes have destructive winds and force
Tornado's twist and take residence and homes
Floods move mountains and every thing en-between
Words with no meaning hurt the ones that we love
But all these come short, in a violent wicked world
Where a woman can do, to break a man's heart
Thank God He's my Love, peace and healer of hearts..
written by Tbone / atw JAH
on 02.20.2008
God Bless .. Tbone out
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Life without my soul mate
People think that after you accept Christ as your Lord and Savior that everything in your life becomes a ball of good dreams.. sorry to disappoint you but the opposite is what really happens.. but yes there is a sense of peace that I am unable to explain... The idea is to keep trusting God no matter what everything around you looks like.. because we are to walk by Faith and not by sight... I personally wanted to live by the words of Solomon in
Ecclesiastes 9:9
9 Live joyfully with the wife whom you love all the days of your vain life which He has given you under the sun, all your days of vanity; for that is your portion in life, and in the labor which you perform under the sun.
So today I still stand by faith and trusting my God that He is in total control and that my life is His will for me.. that my beloved soul mate whether she believes it or not is right where God has sent her for what ever her lesson in life is and is going to be.. other then God in our life's we will always wonder...
Who Cares
There are those who wonder a life time, lost and distress
thinking of the bad and looking not at what good awaits
They blame the innocent for their mistakes and misfortune
They see not the difference between a curse and God's blessings
having desires that are selfish, destructive and without merits
They envy what they see and give not thanks for whats to be
when all is gone, it is God who they have nerve, to question?
cause deep inside man knows, He giveith and only He can takeith
Away they go for they do not and want not, done for them
alone they die, though their body is still upright and alive
inside their soul has become a prisoner, in chains and shackles
Tending not for the other, looking for themselves, find a hole
to hide from love ones, letting heathens turn their heart cold
Their minds can not conceive, that you reap what and as you sow
Loving as you give of yourself, will return double its reward
with honor,love and respect, we show and know, Who Cares.
written by Tbone / atw JAH
God Bless .. Tbone out